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Una miscela che stimola la riflessione di alta moda, arte e cultura portato a voi dai creatori di Fashion Press Magazine. Copertura artistica all’avanguardia che comprende profili di artisti, aperture di gallerie e mostre recenti…

Si mette a nudo più in questa cultura, qui.

A thought-provoking blend of high fashion, art and culture brought to you by the creators of Fashion Press Magazine. Up-to-the-minute art coverage encompassing artist profiles, gallery openings, and recent exhibitions…

He bares more in this culture, here.

Gucci announcing The Artist is Present by Maurizio Cattelan

Gucci announcing “The Artist is Present” by Maurizio Cattelan

Marina Abramovic’s face appears in the poster on Gucci ArtWalls, replicating the advertising campaign of her show The Artist is Present to promote a new Gucci exhibit curated by Maurizio Cattelan.
The Shchukin Collection PAUL GAUGUIN Aha oe feii? (What! Are You Jealous?), 1892 © Courtesy of Fondation Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton celebra Sergei Shchukin

La Shchukin Collection in mostra presso la Fondazione Louis Vuitton La Fondation Louis Vuitton apre le sue porte alla mostra “Icons of Modern Art -...
Rome Art Week 2020 

Rome Art Week 2020. Fino ai Confini del Mondo

La Galleria Restelliartco alla Rome Art Week esplora a 360° il mondo, le sue dinamiche e le sue contraddizioni attraverso quattro percorsi espositivi.
Gallery IMMAGIS presents: Sylvie Blum + Giovanni Gastel "Power meets Poetry"

Sylvie Blum + Giovanni Gastel: “Power meets Poetry“

“Power Meets Poetry” showcases iconic as well as newly discovered works by photographers Sylvie Blum and Giovanni Gastel, paying tribute to strong women with an attractive juxtaposition of images from the 1990s to the present.
David Lynch: The Art Life - Fondazione Pistoia Musei

David Lynch: The Art Life – Fondazione Pistoia Musei

David Lynch protagonista del secondo appuntamento DomenicaDOC di Fondazione Pistoia Musei.
Andrea Pinchi al MACRO di Roma in occasione della RAW - Rome Art Week 2019

Andrea Pinchi al MACRO di Roma in occasione della Rome Art...

Dal 22 al 27 ottobre 2019 Andrea Pinchi parteciperà al MACRO ASILO, Atelier #2, con il progetto Le Città Invisibili a cura di Giuditta Elettra Lavinia Nidiaci.
Ghost over Banksy a Venezia

Ghost over Banksy a Venezia

Pepper’s Ghost anima l’opera di Banksy Migrant Child a Venezia con un’installazione di Digital Street Art.
"Joseph Rodriguez: TAXI" at the Galerie Bene Taschen

Galerie Bene Taschen presents: “Joseph Rodriguez: TAXI”

"Joseph Rodriguez: TAXI" at the Galerie Bene Taschen (12 June – 31 July 2021).
Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams Exhibition in Tokyo

Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams Exhibition in Tokyo

Dior unveils the exhibition Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams at the iconic Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo.

Furla Series #02, la mostra alla Triennale di Milano

La Triennale di Milano e Fondazione Furla sono liete di annunciare Haegue Yang: Tightrope Walking and Its Wordless Shadow, una mostra a cura di Bruna Roccasalva, promossa da Fondazione Furla e dalla Triennale di Milano.

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